Pawel Serwan Blog

Citrix, Microsoft and other stuff

CloudBusters – new blog series!!!


SaaS, PaaS, IaaS, DaaS and so on and so on… Those acronyms seems to be the most catchy words in the IT recently. Everywhere, everyone is talking about cloud, or I should rather say “THE  CLOUD”. And of course they are not talking about the weather forecast 🙂 Cloud topic seems to be now everywhere. In each company CIOs, CFOs, CEOs on the sound of the word “cloud” see saved money, better performance and of course higher profit of the company as they do not need to spend so much money on the infrastructure, people, trainings etc… Cloud is cheap, widely available and of course reliable. Every respecting IT company offers in its portfolio cloud solutions as the latest high-level service. But is that all really true or is it just a next way to get money from our wallets?

Inspired by a popular TV show MythBusters and also quite well known film GhostBusters I decided to start new blog series: The CloudBusters 😀 I hope that you will like it and really hope that you will provide some “cloud myths” you would like to bust with my help! I really encourage you to share your ideas. Let’s check if the “cloudization” is really the next step in IT services evolution.

And the best I left for the end of course. As every respecting [Thing]Buster I decided also to have my own arms. I hope you like it 😀


2 thoughts on “CloudBusters – new blog series!!!

  1. Good Idea Paweł. I will try to participate in your series and hopefully we will have some good conclusions.


  2. I hope that more people, especially IT Pro will participate as Cloud seems to be scary for us especially 🙂 So send me your ideas and let’s bust all the myths. I will try to publish first part still this week. Stay tuned:D


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