Pawel Serwan Blog

Citrix, Microsoft and other stuff

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4th PLCUG meeting review

30th of September has written into the history of Polish Citrix User Group (PLCUG). It was the biggest event ever and we hit the highest number of participants ever. We had a special guest from Kansas City – Jarian Gibson (CTP) who did his presentation. Read the whole meeting review here:
Special thanks to Andrew Wood and our colleagues from UK Citrix User Group. Thanks Andrew!

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Citrix Synergy 2015 – Day 2

Second day of Citrix Synergy started as well with a Keynote session led by Mark Templeton. According to tradition during the 1st day Keynote Citrix is revealing information about future releases of their products and all changes that will happen in the next few following months. During 2nd day session Citrix shows it’s view on the future of the IT and how they will realize it. That’s why there were some nice announcements during 2nd day Keynote and presented demos were much more interesting. So let’s start! Continue reading

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Citrix Synergy 2015 – Day 1

WP_000554Counting down finished! I’m just sitting and waiting for Keynote session by Mark Templeton, Citrix CEO.  — That is how I started writing this blog post almost 14 days ago. It took me a while to write a review of 1st day but finally you can read it!

Let’s start from the scratch. As I wrote in the previous post (Day 0) getting to Orlando, FL took me over 13 hours so you can imagine how excited I was to finally take part in Synergy conference. I was amazed by the size of the Orange County Conference Center and really shocked by the number of people. It was announced later during the conference that this year edition was the biggest one in the history. You could especially see that after entering the hall where Keynote session led by Mark Templeton was taking place. The hall was huge and the number of crowds was really amazing. I had no idea that so many people work with Citrix technologies and they are interested to come and spend 3 days listening about them. My first felling was: “That’s for sure America”. Everything was big – big conference center, huge Keynote hall and of course a stage with extremely large display on which Synergy TV was displayed. That was truly American style event 😀 You can see it below! Continue reading

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Konferencja InfraXstructure – 21.04.2015, Warszawa

ixs-logo-poziome-01Rusza nowa konferencja o Data Center!

Wielkimi krokami zbliża się premierowa edycja konferencji InfraXstructure, która odbędzie się 21 kwietnia w Hotelu Radisson Blu w Warszawie. Jest to pierwsza w Polsce konferencja stworzona przez niezależnych specjalistów zajmujących się technologiami Data Center. Profesjonalizm, praktyczne rozwiązania i nowinki technologiczne – to wyznaczniki jakości InfraXstructure!

Do kogo adresowana jest konferencja?

Pomysł stworzenia konferencji zrodził się z chęci propagowania najnowszych technologii, przełomowych idei i trendów na polskim, jak i zagranicznym rynku Data Center. Premierowa edycja konferencji InfraXstructure cieszy się wielkim zainteresowaniem, co dowodzi dużemu zapotrzebowaniu na tego typu wydarzenie. Spotkanie skierowane jest do profesjonalistów zarządzających systemami i infrastrukturą centr danych, zajmujących się kolokacją, odzyskiwaniem oraz zabezpieczeniem danych, architekturą IT, systemami cloudowymi, przechowywaniem danych, serwerami oraz ciągłością biznesową. Nadrzędnym celem konferencji jest swobodna wymiana doświadczeń, poszerzenie wiedzy oraz poznanie ludz mierzących się z codziennymi wyzwaniami związanymi z Data Center. Continue reading